Los Grandes proudly presents B JAM 'Accelerate'. For this occassion the master of grooveness speed up the rythm moving confortably from 115 to 122 BPM's and proving he's more than capable to make us sweat all night long riding to his genuine style. Four funky disco fillers for your and the crowd's delight.
Artwork by Barry Fell.
Juno Download review: "Edinburgh-based B-Jam has previously released some seriously hot, party-friendly edits on Superbreak. Here, he shifts focus slightly, delivering a quarter of driving, sample-heavy disco-house cuts that sit somewhere between Soundstream, Tiger and Woods and the kind of hands-in-the-air fodder that was once the preserve of Joey Negro's Z Records. There's a baggy sweetness to opener "Make It", its loopy nature well disguised by some brilliantly wide-eyed horns and classic soul vocals. "The Need of Women", based around similar source material, increases the energy levels two-fold, while "Such A Glue" gains much of its power from a combination of a killer disco-funk groove and judicious use of filters. Closer "The Situation", meanwhile, sounds like an end-of-night anthem in waiting."